Monday, July 09, 2007

La Foule

I re-examine the city celebrates some and is delirious about it
Suffocating under the sun and the joy
And I hear in the music the cries, the laughter
Who burst and rebound around me
And lost among these people who hustle me
Dazed, disabled, I remain there
When suddenly, I am turned over, it moves back myself,
And crowd comes to throw me between her arms…
Carried by the crowd which trails us
Us involves
Crushed one against the other
We form one body
And the flood without effort
Us pushes, connected one and the other
And leaves us both
Opened out, enivrés and happy.
Involved by the crowd which springs
And which dances
An insane farandole
Our two hands remain welded
And sometimes raised
Our two intertwined bodies fly away
And both fall down
Opened out, enivrés and happy…
And joy splashed by its smile
Transpierce me and flashes back at the bottom of me
But suddenly I push a cry among the laughter
When crowd comes to tear off it among my arms…
Carried by the crowd which trails us
Us involves
Us moves away one from the other
I fight and I debates
But the sound of its voice
Choke yourself in the laughter of the others
And I shout of pain, fury and rage
And I cry…
Involved by the crowd which springs
And which dances
An insane farandole
I am carried with far
And I contract my fists, cursing the crowd which steals me
The man that it had given me
And that I never found…
